




Israel Site Status

"He that keepeth Israel shall not slumber or sleep." Psalm 1:24

God has set a plan in motion for His church. That plan is unfolding as people are engrafted into the body of Christ. Nations are coming to knowledge of God's truth and amid opposition there is a realization of the power of Christ's Church. Jesus said, " . . . the gates of hell would not prevail against the church." The Gospel is being accepted by many cultures around the world. Just as the plan of God unfolds for the church there is a purpose and plan unfolding for the Jewish people. As we visit Israel we see a sense of anticipation about the future. We saw a large golden menorah (golden candle) on display locked behind bullet proof Plexiglas. This beautiful piece will occupy a prominent place in the new temple.  Craftsmen have been commissioned to pattern and make priestly robes and musical instruments in preparation for the coming Messiah. 

Immigration continues. Jews are coming from Russia, United States and other countries to occupy Israel. There is an apparent call for Jews to return. There are indications that this return has just begun. In the future, people of Israel will return swiftly to their land from all over the world to experience God's blessing in the Millennial Kingdom. Here at Pilgrim Tours we are experiencing a resolve to see Israel from many believers from around the world.

Pilgrim has many guaranteed upcoming departure. We welcome you to join with us as we explore the land like no other on earth. 



Our Fall tours have returned without a hitch and those that went were blessed as is usual.   All were stirred in their commitment to Christ.  Not once did anyone feel threatened or in danger.

Special highlights that were enjoyed by this group included the Nazareth Village, Abraham's Tent and the Rabbinical Tunnel. These sites proved to be a very educational and enjoyable. The Nazareth Village gives a visual concerning culture and life during the time of Christ. Pastor shared that the typical tent of the first century was on display and many could understand how nomads survived the Mid-Eastern elements. The Rabbinic Tunnel reveals the massiveness of ancient foundation stones. It is estimated that along one section of the Temple Mount retaining wall which is referred to as the Master Course, there is one stone that by itself is calculated to weigh 600 tons.

Another place this group visited was in the area where Jesus taught His disciples. From Scripture we have reference to this place which is called Cana (John 2). Cana is the site of our Lord's first miracle. "This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested his glory; and His disciples believed in Him."

Cana is located in the highlands of Galilee west of the lake. As one stands on the highlands and views the surroundings, it is with awe that you can reflect on Christ's teaching and His powerful influence in this area of Galilee. It was here that Nathanael made his home (John 21:2).

The community was usually involved in weddings in Jesus' day. It was at such a wedding in Cana that Jesus performed His first miracle of turning water into wine. The festivities continued as long as food and drink remained. This would explain in part why the host ran out of wine at the wedding Jesus attended. Another tradition was to be married on a Tuesday: "And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee" (John 2: 1). This practice was explained to us on our recent tour by our Jewish guide. He pointed us to the creation account which took place on the third day, Tuesday, when God twice pronounced the words "It was good." Therefore, Tuesday was a day associated with double blessings. It became customary to begin a marriage or a long journey on Tuesday. This practice is still observed today.

Sites Accessible
 Armageddon  yes  Jericho  yes
 Beersheba  yes  Jerusalem  yes
 Beth Shan  yes   Jezreel Valley  yes
 Bethany  yes  Jordan River  yes
 Bethlehem  yes  Joseph's Workshop  yes
 Cana  yes  Kidron Valley  yes
 Caesarea by the Sea  yes  Lazarus' Tomb  yes
 Caesarea Phiippi  yes   Masada  yes
 Capernaum  yes   Megiddo  yes
 Church of All Nations  yes  Mount of Beatitudes  yes
 Church of the Annunciation  yes  Mount Hermon yes 
 Church of the Beatitudes  yes  Mount Nebo  yes
 Church of the Nativity  yes  Mount of Olives  yes
 City of David  yes  Mount of Temptation  yes
 Dead Sea  yes  Mount Tabor  yes
 Dome of the Rock  yes  Nazareth  yes
 El-Aqsa Mosque  yes  Pool of Bethesda  yes
 Elah Valley  yes  Samaria         no
 En Gedi  yes  Sea of Galilee  yes
 Galilee  yes  Shechem  yes
 Garden Tomb  yes  Shrine of the Book  yes
 Gethsemane  yes  Southern Wall  yes
 Golgotha  yes  Temple Mount  yes
 Gordon's Calvary  yes  Upper Room  yes
 Haifa  yes  Via Dolorosa  yes


 Western Wall  yes
 Hezekiah's Tunnel  yes  Western Wall Tunnel  yes
 Jacob's Well             no  Zion Gate  yes
 Jaffa  yes     

For great insight into what is really happening in Israel, go to Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor.


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