Dear Church Board,

Our pastor is currently preaching through the book of Acts, and this week specifically about Paul in Corinth.  He is a historian and has the ability to bring our thoughts to that time period with excellent illustration.  As I listened to him, I thought of how much it would mean to him and to his congregation for him to actually see these sights and hear the biblical commentary and Greek language applications.

We at Pilgrim sincerely wish to honor, encourage, and help to train those who are on the battlefront. I know how important it is for your pastor to get out to see the biblical sights. The wealth of knowledge that is gained for the ministry by taking a Bible Land Tour is something that will add a whole new dimension to the vitality of your services.

For this reason, in addition to our FAM Tour special prices, Pilgrim Tours has set in motion our "Send Your Pastor Away Program" allowing for a 50% discount on all of our retail "Steps of Paul" land and cruise packages. Because of this greatly reduced cost, we can only make this offer to a limited number per tour departure and it is important that you reserve space early.  Our vendors also require that the church offer this same tour to the congregation or plan a private tour within the next year.

To apply for this program, please fill out the information below and fax it to Pilgrim.

Thank you for supporting your pastor in this way.


David M. Nyce
David M. Nyce
President/Pilgrim Tours


Church Name__________________________________________________ Attendance #_________


Contact Name__________________________________ Email_________________________________

Pastor's Name__________________________________ Companion____________________________

Name of Tour__________________________________________ Departure Date_________________

By your signature below, you state that the applicant is a full time pastor in your church and that a tour will be offered to your congregation. It is also understood that your pastor may be called upon while on tour to help with an occasional devotional.

Signature_________________________________________                          Date______________

Printed Name_____________________________________  Title_______________________________