Europe Tours & Group Tour Packages 2024, 2025

Explore historical Christian cities and sites on our Europe tours. Our Europe tour packages allow you to visit different parts of the beautiful and historic country, from Ireland tours to tours of Turkey, Greece, and Italy. You’ll get a chance to visit historical cities and landmarks, learning about the history of the world and Christianity through tours of Europe. Find the perfect tour to get away from the hustle and bustle and learn more about Early Christianity.

Scheduled Tours

Country Info
Austria View Tours
Britain View Tours
Eastern/Central Europe,
& Russia
View Tours
France View Tours
Germany View Tours
Greece View Tours
Iceland View Tours
Ireland View Tours
Italy View Tours
Malta View Tours
Mediterranean View Tours
Scandinavia View Tours
Scotland View Tours
Spain/Portugal View Tours
Switzerland View Tours
Turkey View Tours

Featured Sites in Europe

We offer a wide range of tour options through Europe, including some of these sites:


You can choose between several Italy and Sicily tours that give you an opportunity to experience the city of Rome. Popular landmarks include the Coliseum, the Catacombs, the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Bascilica, the Sistine Chapel, Mamertine Prison, and the Church of St. Paul Outside the Walls. Our Italy tours include these popular sites and more, so you can see everything there is to see during your trip to Rome. If you add Malta, you’ll even get a chance to visit St. Thomas Bay and enjoy a harbor cruise.


Strasbourg is a city that’s located near the border of France and Germany, known as the “City of Hope” and “Refuge of the Righteous”. This is the city where John Calvin wrote his books, playing a crucial role in the Reformation. When you visit Strasbourg, you’ll get to see St. Thomas’s Church. The Rhine River, which has played a crucial role in several events throughout history, runs along the banks of Strasbourg.

Aberdeen (Scotland kw)

Aberdeen is one of the first stops on our tours of Scotland, and there are several things to see during your stop. On your way from Edinburgh to Aberdeen, you can stop and see the world-famous St. Andrews golf course. Once you’re in Aberdeen, you can visit Dunnotar Castle near the North Sea. Aberdeen is a beautiful city that has existed for thousands of years, so there’s no shortage of historically significant sites.


Our Christian Heritage tours to England and Scotland start in London. London offers a rich and fascinating Christian Heritage. Our tour will visit Hampton Court Palace where King James authorized the mass production of the Bible, the Metropolitan Tabernacle where Charles Spurgeon preached to up to 6,000 in attendance each Sunday, and Bunhill Cemetery where John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, John Gill and Susanna Wesley are all buried.

Worms and Mainz

If you’re taking one of our Christian tours in Germany, there are several areas you can visit to see historical Christian sites. In Worms, you can see St. Peter’s Cathedral. In Mainz, you can see the Gutenberg Monument and see a Gutenburg Bible. There are also several other parts of Germany that are home to historical and religious buildings and monuments, making it a great destination for your Europe tour highlighting Christian Reformation history.


Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a history dating back over 3,400 years. It is often referred to as the cradle of Western civilization due to its significant role in in the development of democracy, philosophy, and the arts. Our Biblical tours of Greece allow you to follow the steps of the Apostle Paul and the early church.

European Tours: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to book a tour to Europe?

You can book one of our Europe tours whenever you want to travel. You may want to visit in the spring or fall when the weather is mild and the cities aren’t too busy. You can also save money on tours of Europe by booking in advance.

Can I visit more than one country on my Europe tour?

Several of our tours allow you to visit multiple countries during your trip. We even offer a Reformation history tour if you want to learn more about the Christian Reformation movement. You can view any of our tours to see an itinerary and figure out where you’ll be traveling.

What is the most common language spoken in Europe?

In Europe, many countries speak their own language. You may want to learn the basics of the language before visiting a country, but we have English-speaking tour guides who can make sure you have everything you need during your tour.

What type of currency will I need during my European tour?

Euros are the commonly accepted currency in Europe. You can visit to find the current exchange rate for your currency.
