Travel Agency Policy

Attn. Travel Agents:

Pilgrim does not support prospective travel agents who have purchased memberships and/or travel cards from companies such as YTB, Global Travel International, etc..  They use the company IATA number from the agency in order to get a discount or rebate on personal travel.  We also have travel agencies who encourage clients to do all the research on a tour, choose the tour they want and then call their agency for the reservation.  If the client has already done the research, the agency will then rebate some of the commission back to the client.

Pilgrim's classifies the above situations as unethical practices that undermine the travel agency commission system.  We will not support these practices and discourage honest people from buying into any form of this activity.

Does Pilgrim Pay Referral Commission?

Pilgrim Tours welcomes the opportunity to partner and pay commissions to approved travel agents that assist their clients with the quotation and booking process. Commissions are applied to regular land package prices for most tours (Cruises, US Domestic Tours, Iceland, and Costa Rica are exclusions and the list is subject to change) and may not be combined with other discounts such as early booking, small group discounts, clergy, or industry discounted fares. Commissions are not available for referrals quoted first by a Pilgrim Agent.

To receive commissions, each agency must be a valid travel agency that is not involved in rebating in any form and receive approval of their Travel Agency Application. Click Here